Sample Data and Independent Variables
Sample Data
All regression methods require sample data derived from field measurements to train the regression model. The sample data can be imported using the “Import Training Data” dialog of each regression model. The imported file should be in text format (.txt extension) and must contain a header to label each column. The first two columns should be the X and Y coordinates of each sample, followed by any dependent values.Note that multiple dependent values can be given, but only one can be used for each regression execution. If each sample corresponds to a tree, the value of the dependent variable can be the height of the tree. SeeSample Data File in the File Formatssection of the Appendix for information about sample data file.
Independent Variables
Users can also import data in .csv or .tif format. While importing a.csv table, only one can be selected at a time, and must contain at least four fields, including X, Y, X size, and Y size (each column would be added to the list as an independent variable). However, multiple .tif images can be added at once. Every time a .tif image is added successfully, an independent variable named after the file name of .tif will be added to the list. n the selection of the independent variables, select the independent variable used in regression analysis (for more information about each independent variable, refer to elevation, intensity, canopy cover, leaf area index and gap fraction).