Camera Setting

Function Description: Allows viewing and changing the camera settings of the currently active 3D view.


  1. After clicking this function, the following interface will pop up:
    Camera Settings
  2. Use the corresponding sliders to set the camera's angle position in the X, Y, and Z directions.

Parameter Settings

  • Function Input: The current active view is displayed in 3D mode.
  • Current Mode: Displays the projection method of the current view, including perspective projection and orthographic projection.
  • X: The camera's angle position in the X direction.
  • Y: The camera's angle position in the Y direction.
  • Z: The camera's angle position in the Z direction.
  • Camera/Eye Center: This parameter cannot be manually set; it shows the real-time viewpoint center of the camera in the view.
    • First Parameter: The camera's position in the X direction.
    • Second Parameter: The camera's position in the Y direction.
    • Third Parameter: The camera's position in the Z direction.
  • Field of View: The field of view angle.
  • Distance: The distance to the viewpoint, which cannot be manually set and shows the real-time distance to the viewpoint.

    Note: This function is only for the 3D mode of the view and cannot be set in 2D mode.

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