Compute Normal Vectors


Calculate the normal vector of the tunnel. The algorithm will search for adjacent points within a certain radius for each point, and then calculate the local plane and normal direction based on these points. Finally, use the minimum spanning tree to optimize the direction of the normal (optional). The generated normal will be stored as an additonal attribute, and the addtional attribute field is "Normals".


Click Mine > Compute Normal Vectors

Normal Computation


  • Input Data: The input file can be a single point cloud data or a point cloud dataset, which must be opened in the LiDAR360 software. File format: *.LiData.
  • Search Radius (m) (Default Values is "0.5"): Neighborhood search radius. The algorithm obtains neighboring points through neighborhood search for each point, and then calculates the normal direction based on these points. If this value is too large or too small, it will cause the normal calculation error, and when it is too large, it will also cause the algorithm efficiency to decrease. This value can be set to 5 times the average dot spacing to get the best results.
  • Orientation (Default is checked): When this option is checked, the minimum spanning tree will be used to optimize the consistency of the normal direction.

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