Section Result File Format
Two-Dimensional Section Result File Format
The 2D section file format can be ASCII file (.txt), vector file (.shp), dxf file (.dxf), and hdm format.
- csv file is separated by comma. Names can help to distinguish they are cross section or longitudinal section (CrossSection is the name for points in cross section and LongiSection is the name for points in longitudinal section by default). The section result file contains three columns, including name, distance to origin (in longitudinal section, the origin is the starting point. In longitudinal section, the origin is the intersection of cross section and longitudinal section. To left is negative, to right is positive), and elevation. Name suggests in which cross section this point is. E.g., CrossSection1(0) indicates this point is in the cross section named CrossSection1, and this cross section and the longitudinal section 0 are orthogonal. Elevation records the true hight of this point in the three-dimensional coordinate system. Following is the part of exported two-dimensional section result file:
hdm (south). This format file is a comma-separated text file that records the mileage of each section and the distance perpendicular to the central axis. The format can be described as follows:
- One hdm file can contain multiple cross sections.
Each section line starts with BEGIN field, followed by section mileage, section serial number (can be omitted), and ends before the next BEGIN field. For example, BEGIN, 0.000:1, it means that the mileage of this section is 100.000, and the serial number is 1.
The section data is then recorded and separated by commas. There are 2 fields in each row. The first field is the offset and the second field is the elevation. The offset is divided into positive and negative points. Mileage direction), the left deviation is negative, the right deviation is positive.
- For the cross section without a middle stake point, the offset takes the first point on the left as the base point, and both are positive.
- The example is as follows, including 3 hdm data with mid-stake point section:
Note: The middle pile is not necessarily the center point of the cross section, and the left and right widths of some cross sections are different
hdm (latitude ground). This file is a comma-separated text file that records the pile number, the height of the middle pile and the distance to the middle axis of each section. One hdm file can contain multiple cross sections. Each section line occupies three lines, the first line is the mileage and the height of the middle pile, the second line is the offset and elevation in the left direction of the line, and the third line is the offset and the elevation in the right direction of the line. Then record a section line.
Mileage pile number Middle pile height Left Offset Elevation Left Offset Elevation Left Offset Elevation Left Offset Elevation Left Offset Elevation Right offset Elevation Right offset Elevation Right offset Elevation Right offset Elevation Right offset Elevation 0 288.08 5.93 0.18 21.79 3.45 32.07 4.49 36.32 8.21 4.22 -0.09 10.03 0.08 12.31 -5.28 26.9 -5.28 0 456 4.22 -0.09 10.03 0.08 12.31 -5.28 26.9 -5.28 5.93 0.18 21.79 3.45 32.07 4.49 36.32 8.21 ...
When the export format is a vector file, distance and height will be connected as X and Y values respectively to form a series of polygons. Each polygon corresponds to a section. The section name is saved in the file as an attribute value.
When the export format is dxf (2004), each section will be automatically arranged into a table with N rows and three columns according to their respective coordinate values, and the vertical sections will form a single row. Below each section is a text label (optional), the label content includes left and right width, middle pile height difference, fill and excavation area, etc. When exporting, you can choose horizontal and vertical scales, whether to add elevation symbols on the survey section, and the prefix of the fill and cut mark text. The scale information will be marked in the lower right corner of the graph. The label text and the cross-section coordinates are in different layers.
Three-Dimensional Section Result File Format
The 3D Section result file format can be ASCII file (.csv), vector file (.shp) and dxf file (.dxf).
ASCII file. A comma-separated text file. There are 4 columns in the file, namely: name, X coordinate, Y coordinate, and Z coordinate. Points with the same name belong to the same section.
Name,X,Y,Z CrossSection1(0),323128.788,4104260.073,0.025 CrossSection1(0),323130.481,4104261.752,39.413 ... CrossSection2(0),323245.294,4104234.559,0.073 CrossSection2(0),323245.659,4104234.934,0.103 ... CrossSection7(1),323429.209,4104472.832,0.000 CrossSection7(1),323430.965,4104472.877,0.011
Vector file. X, Y, and Z will be sequentially connected as coordinate values to form a series of polygons. Each polygon corresponds to a section. The section name will be saved in the file as the attribute value.
dxf format file. X, Y, and Z will be sequentially connected as coordinate values to form a series of polygons. Each polygon corresponds to a section.
Note: When exporting multiple files, all vertical sections and cross sections will be output as separate files; when exporting a single file, all sections belonging to the same vertical section will be integrated into one file, and all vertical sections will remain Will be output as a separate file.