Calculate Forest Metrics by Grid (TLS)

Function Overview

Calculate forest parameters for each point cloud data, including gap fraction, Theory Of Canopy Cover, and LAI(leaf area index). Each point cloud data generates a CSV file.


Click TLS Forest > Calculate Forest Metrics by Grid


Parameter Settings

  • Region File (Optional): After inputting the area of interest, grids outside the interest area will not be output. For TIFF results, grids outside the interest area will be assigned a NODATA value (null value). As shown in the diagram below, if the black line represents the area of interest, the red grids will be assigned as NODATA, and the green grids will be retained, because the center of the red grid is outside the area of interest. The boundaries of all the green grids will be output as a vector file in the result.
  • Input Data: Ensure each input point cloud data is normalized. Input files can be individual point cloud data files or point cloud datasets. The data to be processed must be opened in LiDAR360 software.
  • Select Forest Parameters: Supports Gap Fraction,Canopy CoverandLeaf Area Index
  • XSize (m) (Default: "2"): Grid size in the X direction.
  • YSize (m) (Default: "2"): Grid size in the Y direction.
  • Height Break (m) (Default: "2"): Threshold for dividing point clouds into different layers; only effective when Canopy Cover is selected.
  • Voxel Size Setting:
    • Voxel Size (m) (Default: "2"): Grid size in the X direction.
    • YSize (m) (Default: "2"): Grid size in the Y direction.
  • Voxel Size Setting:
    • Voxel Size (m) (Default: "0.25"): Grid size for dividing point clouds into three-dimensional grids within the statistical unit.
    • Cofficient (Default: "2"): Automatically calculates the size of the three-dimensional grid within the statistical unit based on the average point cloud spacing.
  • Output Path: Output path where each input point cloud data file will generate a corresponding TIFF file, usable as independent variables in regression analysis.

Note: The height variable function is only available when point cloud data is loaded in the software. Otherwise, the software will prompt "There is no point cloud data meet the conditions of calculation!" If the maximum Z value of the point cloud exceeds 200 or the difference between the maximum and minimum Z values exceeds 200, the software will prompt whether to proceed with non-normalized data. Clicking "YES" allows the data to be processed, while clicking "NO" excludes such data from processing, prompting the user to select data that meets the conditions.

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