Profile Editing
Description:Users can draw a buffer on point cloud in 3D viewer and check correspongding profile in profile viewer. It can help with data check, measurement and classification.
Profile and TIN Tools
TIN tool is to build triangular model in real time, you can use check editing effects.
Note: You can use shortcut P on keyboard to adjust light, which can improve the display effect.
Please refer to TIN Tools for detailed information.
Profile and Measurement Tools
When the profile is turned on, the point cloud viewer and TIN viewer do not support measurement functions. The profile viewer supports single-point selection, multi-point selection, length measurement, angle measurement, slope measurement, and height measurement.
Profile and Boresight Correction
When using boresight correctio, we need to check mismatch issue between trajectory segments in profile viewer.
The image clearly shows the relative position of the point clouds before stitching. During the stitching process, you can also use the cross-section window to view the stitching effects in real-time with different parameters. Once confirmed, you can apply the current parameters to transform the point clouds and write the results directly to disk.
Besides, the measurement tools in profile viewer can help to evaluate Pith, Roll and Heading. Please refer to Strip Alignment for detailed information.
Profile and ALS/TLS Editor
When activate the ALS/TLS Editor, the main viewer will switch to 2D viewer. You can use profile viewer to check if seed points are correct in 3D view. Click Profile Tool to open profile viewer. Select a polygon area in point cloud viewer, and corresponding point cloud will appear in the profile viewer. Then, you can zoom or rotate in profile viewer to check seed points.
Note:Profile in ALS/TLS Editor doesn't have the same profile tool bar as general profile tool.