Select and Clip

Icon Function Name Description Shortcut
Polygon Selection Draws a polygon to select points within the defined area. Shift+P
Rectangle Selection Draws a rectangle to select points within the defined area. Shift+R
Sphere Selection Draws a sphere to select points within the defined area. Shift+S
Circle Selection Draws a circle to select points within the defined area. Shift+C
Lasso Selection Uses a lasso to select points. Shift+L
Above Line Selection Selects points above the polyline using a line. None
Below Line Selection Selects points below the polyline using a line. None
Plane Selection Selects points on a plane defined by three points. None
Above Plane Selection Draws a polygonal plane to select points above the plane. None
Below Plane Selection Draws a polygonal plane to select points below the plane. None
Plane Inside Selection Draws a polygonal plane with thickness to select points inside the plane. None
Subtract Selection Increases or decreases the selection area based on previous selections. Shift+D
Cancel Selection Cancels all selection and clipping operations. None
In Cut Clips the point cloud to keep only the selected points. Shift+X
Out Cut Clips the point cloud to keep only the points not selected. Shift+Ctrl+X

Selection Tool Steps

  1. Click the tool button to activate the selection tool.
  2. For polygon tools, click the left mouse button to define the vertices of the polygon in the area of interest. The program will automatically form a closed polygon. Double-click to finish. For other selection tools, click the first point, drag the mouse to cover the area of interest, and double-click to complete the selection.
  3. If vertices are misplaced in the polygon selection, right-click to cancel the last selected vertex. This operation can be performed multiple times.
  4. Double-click the left mouse button on the last vertex to end vertex selection. The points within the selected polygon area will be highlighted (in red).
  5. After completing one selection, you can perform another selection based on the first. Cancelling the result of the last clipping will also cancel the clipping of the corresponding selection area.
  6. Each selection area will either add to or subtract from the existing selection area based on the inverse selection state.

Selection results:

Add Selection Function Add Selection Function

Selection Settings

Selection settings. Configure parameters related to selection, and open the plane selection settings interface.

Plane Settings

Parameter Settings

  • Min Distance to Plane: Sets the minimum distance to the plane.
  • Max Distance to Plane: Sets the maximum distance to the plane.
  • Thickness: Sets the thickness within the plane.
  • Plane Fitting Thickness: Thickness used for plane fitting.
  • Robust Fitting: Provides better fitting results but is slower.
  • Default: Click this button to restore all parameters to their default values.

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    No results matching ""