Standing Tree Volume Analysis

Function Overview

This function is used to calculate the trunk volume of point clouds that have already undergone normalization and individual tree segmentation.


Click TLS Forestry > Stand Analysis and Report.



  • Input Point Cloud: Select the point cloud to be processed. This point cloud must have undergone individual tree segmentation.
  • Individual Tree Attribute File: The input data is an individual tree attribute file, which is a comma-separated CSV table that must include at least two fields: TreeLocationX and TreeLocationY. Refer to the Individual Tree Segmentation Result File Format for the specific file format.
  • Min D Threshold: Minimum Distance for Detecting Trunk Points.
  • Trunk Fitting Method: The method for fitting the trunk for each layer of the point cloud. Currently supports Convex Hull, Circle Fitting, Minimum Area Circle, and Concave Hull.
  • Layer Height (default 0.3): The height of each trunk segment. It can be set to about 5 times the smallest point distance in the point cloud. For straighter and denser trunks, it can be set to 5 to 20 times the smallest point distance in the point cloud.

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