Mark Tower
After clicking in the point cloud data and choosing the tower type, user can save the result into LiTower file. After adding the position information of the tower, the software will automatically generate the index and name information of the tower. Index is a number starting from the starting value and incrementing by 1. By default, name is the same as Index. Tower type includes "None", "Tension Tower", and "Straight Line Tower". Double-click the row for each tower to jump to that tower in the displaying window. By checking or unchecking the checkbox in front of "display all tower points" to display or hiding the tower points in the window. Point size can be modified.
- Display All Tower Points (checked by default):Display the tower names or indexes in the window. Uncheck this option to hide the all the tower names or indexes.
- By Index: Display the tower index.
- By Name: Display the tower name.
- Point Size (meter) (default value is "5.0"): Set the red marker sphere and text font size of the tower.
Select Tower
Click this button to start to pick the tower points. Click again to exit this function and save the current tower information to the tower.LiTower file in the working directory.
Add Tower After
Add a tower record after currently selected record.
Add Tower Before
Add a tower record before currently selected record.
Delete Tower
Delete the current selected tower record.
Modify Tower Position
Modify the position of the selected tower.
Input Tower File
Input the tower file and renew the tower list in LiTower, txt, csv, and kml file.
Export Tower File
Export the current tower list content to a file. When exporting to KML, the tower point coordinates (projected coordinates) will be converted to the "WGS 84" geographic coordinate system (*.LiTower *.csv *.kml).