Viewshed Analysis
Function Overview
The Viewshed Analysis tool determines whether each pixel value in the terrain data is visible based on a series of viewpoint data.
Click on Terrain > Viewshed Analysis.
Parameter Settings
- Input DEM File: The input DEM file. For information on generating a DEM, see DEM Generation.
- Observer Points File: Input point-type vector file representing the positions of observation points.
- Observer Height: The height of the observer relative to the viewpoint.
- Radius: The radius for the viewshed analysis.
- Target Height: The height value of all visible terrain areas checked from the observation point.
- Analysis Type: Determines the output result:
- 0: Binary Perspective; visible areas are 1, non-visible areas are 0.
- 1: Depth Below the Horizon ; the height each location needs to reach to be visible.
- 2: Horizon Boundary; the edges of the viewshed.
- Use Curvature: Whether to consider the curvature of the Earth.
- Atmospheric Refraction: Also known as the vertical refraction coefficient, describing the atmospheric refraction rate factor affecting visibility.
- Combining Type: When using multiple observation points, the outputs will be combined based on this parameter.
- Output Path: Specifies the path for the output results.