CHM Segmentation Result

The CHM segmentation result contains a comma-separated .csv table file and a polygon-type .shp vector file.

The .csv table contains the attributes of tree ID, x, y coordinate position, tree height, crown diameter and crown area.

The following table shows an example of the segmentation result of CHM:

TreeID, TreeLocationX, TreeLocationY, TreeHeight, CrownDiameter, CrownDiameter(S-N),CrownDiameter(E-W),CrownArea
1, 322716.24, 4102494.69, 36.165, 8.982, 9.865, 8.099, 63.36
2, 322751.21, 4102499.9, 41.282, 4.491, 5.132, 3.850, 15.84
3, 322519.35, 4102499.3, 32.008, 4.708, 4.712, 4.704, 16.64
4, 322742.15, 4102497.7, 26.956, 8.347, 7.536, 9.158, 54.72
5, 322892.26, 4102499.5, 45.493, 7.792, 7,967, 7.617, 47.68

The SHP file contains the geometric extents of each tree segmented. The attribute table contains the ID, x, y coordinate position, tree height, crown diameter and crown area attributes of each tree.



ALS Forest Results of Point Cloud Segmentation & PCS with Seeds

The ALS Forest results of point cloud segmentation and PCS with seeds are comma-separated .csv table files containing the attributes of TreeID, x, y coordinate position, tree height, crown diameter, crown area and crown volume.

The following table shows an example of the results of the ALS individual tree segmentation:

TreeID, TreeLocationX, TreeLocationY, TreeHeight, CrownDiameter, CrownArea, CrownVolume
1, 322511.52, 4102089.78, 60.606, 10.85, 92.04, 3240.171
2, 322511.81, 4102015.14, 53.785, 13.15, 135.09,4358.651 
3, 322537.43, 4102062.51, 46.667, 12.45, 126.76, 3272.472
4, 322529.42, 4102073.12, 45.197, 4.071, 13.019, 342.992 
5, 322525.07, 4102101.07, 43.861, 3.105, 7.57, 107.672

TLS Forest Results of Point Cloud Segmentation & PCS with Seeds

The TLS Forest results of point cloud segmentation and PCS with seeds are comma-separated .csv table files containing the attributes of TreeID, x, y coordinate position, tree height, DBH, crown diameter, crown area and crown volume.

The following table shows an example of the results of the TLS individual tree segmentation:

TreeID, TreeLocationX, TreeLocationY, TreeHeight, DBH
1, 136547.147, 289995.532, 6.498, 0.081
2, 136562.037, 289985.496, 5.652, 0.112
3, 136543.853, 290001.586, 6.115, 0.078
4, 136547.766, 289997.909, 5.868, 0.081
5, 136547.127, 289980.102, 5.217, 0.097

Format of Tree Attribute Information from TLS Point Cloud Segmentation

Individual tree attribute information from TLS point cloud segmentation is recorded in comma-separated .csv table files containing the attributes of tree ID, x, y coordinate position, tree height, DBH, crown diameter, crown area, crown volume, crown base height and straightness.

The following table shows an example of the individual tree attribute information from TLS point cloud segmentation:

TreeID, TreeLocationX, TreeLocationY, TreeHeight, DBH, CrownDiameter, CrownArea, CrownVolume, CBH, Straightness
1, 136547.147, 289995.532, 6.498, 4.394, 12.964, 132.006, 120.961, 1.221, 7
2, 136562.037, 289985.496, 5.652, 3.008, 6.234, 30.524, 32.742, 1.351, 3
3, 136543.853, 290001.586, 6.115, 4.123, 8.627, 58.447, 78.947, 1.234, 4
4, 136547.766, 289997.909, 5.868, 4.464, 9.574, 71.984, 43.512, 1.471, 6
5, 136547.127, 289980.102, 5.217, 6.070, 11.155, 97.727, 307.870, 1.186, 1

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