
Mine module provides tools related to mines.



Preprocessing functions include:

Smooth Points, Resampling, Remove Outliers, Classify Ground Points, DEM, Point Cloud to Contour.

Open-pit Mine

Open-pit Mine includes the following functions:

Generate TIN, Smooth Meshes, Slope Line Extraction.


Analysis includes the following functions:

Volume Change Analysis, Deviation Analysis, Change Detection, Section Analysis.


Tunnel includes the following functions:

Extract Tunnel Points, Compute Normal Vectors, Triangulation Modeling, Poisson Modeling.

basic mode

Functions of basic mode are shown as figure below:

Mine basic mode

Click “Run", the dialog will pop up as shown in the picture below. Click "File Selected" and select the point cloud file to be processed; go to Parameter tab and set parameters for functions. After that, click "OK" and batch process the data, results will be saved to the specified Output Path. For corresponding parameters and Settings, refer to the corresponding function documents.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""