Tower Vectorization

Tower Vectorization Toolbar is as below, including Auto Generate Tower Model, Create Tower From Five Points, Create Crossing Arm, Delete Crossing Arm, Create Attachment, Delete Attachment, Modify Tower, Load Tower Template, Save Tower Template and Place Tower.
Tower Menu

Create Tower From Five Points

When creating tower model, users can show/hide specific tower type by class setting.

Tower Type Settings
  1. Left click to pick up corner point1 on tower bottom or right click to end creating tower by five points.
  2. Left click to pick up corner point2 on tower bottom or right click to go back to step1.
  3. Left click to pick up corner point3 on tower bottom or right click to go back to step2.
  4. Left click to pick up corner point4 on tower bottom or right click to go back to step3.
  5. Left click to pick up tower top point or right click to go back to step4.
  6. Right click and a right-click menu will pop up. Click "Finish Tower Drawing" to finish creating tower model. Repeat the former steps to create next tower model. Or click "Draw Cross Arm" to create cross arm.

Generated tower model is as below:

Create Tower by Five Points

Create Crossing Arm

Create crossing arm to current tower model.

  1. Left click to select a current tower model to create crossing arm.
  2. Left click to pick up end point1 of crossing arm or right click to go back to current point.
  3. Left click to pick up end point2 of crossing arm.
  4. Repeat step2 to add other crossing arms.
  5. Right click and a right-click menu will pop up. Click "Finish Create Crossing Arm" to finish Create Crossing Arm. Repeat the former steps to create crossing arms for next tower model. Or click "Draw Attachment" to create cross arm attachment points.

Generated crossing arm is as below:

Create Crossing Arm

Create Attachment

Click Create Attachment and a window will pop up as below. Set attachment length, 1 meter by default. Click to apply.

After setting the length of the hanging point, click Apply to mount the hanging points of different lengths.

Create Attachment
  • Length (meter, 1m by default): Length of the hanging point.

  1. Left click to select the tower to create attachment point.
  2. Left click to create an attachment point.
  3. Repeat step2 to add other attachment point.
  4. Right click to end editing current attachment point and repeat step1 to add attachment for next tower.

Generated attachment is as below:

Create Attachment

Modify Tower

Modify tower description information, pan and rotation parameter. This can be saved as tower template file subsequently.

  1. Left click to select the tower model to be modified.
  2. Modify parameters in the pop-up window and save.

    Modify Tower

    • Description: Modify the description, click Apply to save change.
    • Translation X(meter, 0 by default): Translation along X-axis, click Apply to save change.
    • Translation Y(meter, 0 by default): Translation along Y-axis, click Apply to save change.
    • Translation Z(meter, 0 by default): Translation along Z-axis, click Apply to save change.
    • Rotation Z(degree, 0 by default): Rotate by Z-axis, click Apply to save change.
  3. Right click to end modifying current tower and repeat step1 to modify other tower.

Load Tower Template

Load Tower Template(*.tow), the drop down menu is only available when tower template file is loaded in.

Save Tower Template

Save vectorized tower with description information as tower template.

Place Tower

Firstly, load in a tower template, then place the template at specific position.

  1. Left click to pick up tower top point to place template.
  2. Select tower template in the tower type drop-down list in the pop-up window. Click "Yes" and place the template to that position.

    Place Tower

    • Tower Type: Select tower type in the lists from owner template.
  3. Right click to end operation.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""