Homologous Points File Format

Homologous points file is a comma separated text file. The first row is a file header. Each row consists of 9 columns: ID, reference coordinate (X,Y,Z), reference source file, alignment coordinate(X,Y,Z) and alignment source file.

 ID     ref_X        ref_Y        ref_Z           file                align_X       align_Y    align_Z  file
P01, 322500.1100, 4102499.9600, 2613.1400, E:/data/LiForest.LiData, 322500.0089, 4102499.9856, 0.0000, null
P02, 322999.8400, 4102499.7900, 2614.3400, E:/data/LiForest.LiData, 322999.9283, 4102499.9585, 0.0000, null
P03, 322999.8300, 4102000.3200, 2554.4100, E:/data/LiForest.LiData, 322999.8738, 4102000.1457, 0.0000, null
P04, 322500.3700, 4102000.1600, 2490.7400, E:/data/LiForest.LiData, 322500.1140, 4102000.0595, 0.0000, null

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