Polygon Selection

Brief: Select point cloud data in polygon area.


Click Tool > Cut Point Cloud > Polygon Selection


  1. Click the Polygon Selection button to activate this function (Click again if you want to deactivate it).

  2. Add polygonal vertices by left click. At least 3 vertices are needed to form a closed loop.

    Polygon Selection
  3. (Optional) Delete added vertices in reverse order by right click, if some of them are unwanted.

  4. Left double click to add the last vertex. The selected points in the polygon area are highlighted.

    Polygon Selection
  5. (Optional) Combine multiple selections.

    Polygon Selection
    Polygon Selection
  6. (Optional) Remove unwanted points from the selected, if Subtract Selection is active. The removed points are no more highlighted.

    Polygon Selection
    Polygon Selection

Shortcut Key: Press Ctrl + Z to undo the selection operation.

Note: This function is only applicable to point cloud data.

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    No results matching ""