Wind Turbine Tower Inclination Analysis


This function is mainly used to automatically analyze and calculate the inclination of the wind turbine tower, and generate analysis reports. The functional interface is shown in the following figure, which can process multiple data simultaneously. Clickto add pending data, clickto remove the selected data, clickto clear the data list.


Click Completion Analysis > Other > Wind Turbine Tower Inclination

Wind Turbine Tower Inclination Analysis

Parameter settings

  • Analysis: Selected by default. Select to analyze the inclination of the wind turbine tower; If not selected, do not analyze.
  • Tower Classification(default to "18"): Set the category of the wind turbine tower.
  • Tower Width(meters)(default to "20"): Set the tower width to set the range of sampling points. The software can record the user's current settings.
  • Layer Height(meters) (default to "0.5"): Set the tower analysis layer height to extract the point cloud data to be calculated. The software can record the user's current settings.
  • Standard Value(default to "0.3"): Set the wind turbine tower inclination normative ratio to determine whether the tower inclination exceeds the specification. The software can record the user's current settings.
  • Generate report: Selected by default.If this parameter is selected, an analysis report is generated based on the analysis result file. If unchecked, no report will be generated.
    • Assessor Company: The company that generated the report.
    • Electrical Transmission Bureau/Company: The name of the power supply bureau.
    • Line Name: Line name.
    • Target Coordinate: The coordinate system used in the report.
    • Report Path: Report output path.
  • Threads Num(The default value is "4"): Set the number of threads. 1-32 threads can be supported. The software can record the user's current settings and automatically restore the Settings when it is turned on again.

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