Cross Selection
Brief: Cross select partial point cloud using ROI. This function can be used for flood analysis and other applications.
- Click Tool > Cross Selection to open the dialog shown below:
- Click button to reset ROI.
- Click button to export point cloud inside the ROI to a new LiData File.
- Click button to exit cross selection.
The whole display effect is shown below. Drag the blue, green ,or red rectangular interactor in the viewer to adjust the size of the ROI. Drag the blue, green ,or red spherical interactor to adjust the orientation of the ROI.
- Prerequisite: Current viewer contains point cloud.
- Show ROI: Show or hide ROI.
- ROI: Adjust the minimum and maximum X, Y, Z of the ROI.
- Shift ROI: +X, +Y, +Z means to move the ROI to the X, Y, Z positive direction for a default distance. -X, -Y, -Z means to move the ROI to the X, Y, Z negative direction for a default distance.
Note: This function is for all point clouds in the current viewer.