Danger Point Sag Analysis


This function is used to automatically analyze and calculate the sag of dangerous points. The functional interface is shown in the following figure, which can process multiple data simultaneously. Clickto add pending data, clickto remove the selected data, clickto clear the data list.


Click Completion Analysis > Other > Danger Point Sag

Danger Point Sag Analysis

Parameter settings

  • Data Type: The default selection is based on point cloud data. If selected, obtain the dangerous point analysis results based on point cloud data to calculate the sag of dangerous points.
  • Based on Point Cloud: Used to obtain dangerous point analysis results based on point cloud data.
  • Based on Vector Data: Used to obtain the results of hazard point analysis based on vector data.
  • Based on Simulation Data: Used to obtain the analysis results of hazardous points based on working condition simulation data.
  • Power Line File: Set the input file for power line sag analysis, supporting vectorized files and operating condition simulation files, with formats of . shp and . shp, respectively LiSim.
  • Drainage Line File: Set the input file for drainage line sag analysis, supporting vectorized files and working condition simulation files, with formats of . shp and . shp, respectively LiSim.
  • Output Path: Set the analysis result file output path, which defaults to "cache/DangerPointSagAnalysis/" in the working directory.
  • Thread Num(default value is "4"): Set the number of running threads for the function, which can support 1-32 threads. The software can record the user's current settings.

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