Vector Context Menu
The right button menu of vector data in the layer management tree mainly includes import and export vector data, it also contains information, show attribute table, zoom to layer, color by elevation, and display by selected for single vector data.
Data Type Context Menu
- Import Data: The import data format is SHP (*.shp), the same with the function
, see Add Data. Import vector data generate by point cloud to contour, as shown below:
- Remove All: Remove all vector data from LiPowerline.
Data Context Menu
- Info: View the basic information of vector file, including file path, elements count and bounding box.
- Open Attribute Table:Displays the property sheet information of the vector data. The result is shown in the figure:
- Zoom to Layer: Calculates the bounding box of the current vector data, and all windows that contains this file will display globally in this bounding box range.
- Color by Elevation: Display the vector data by z value based on selected color bar.
- Display by Selected: Display the vector data in fixed color, as shown in the following figure:
- Remove: Remove vector file from LiPowerline.
Note: Except "Import Data", the other function in context menu work on all windows that contains this vector file.