Extract by Serial Time


Extract by Serial Time tool helps the user to extract the points in customized GPS time period and save them to a separate file.


Click Data Management > Extract > Extract by Serial Time.



  • File List: Select the file to be processed from the file list.
  • File List Filter: Automatically select files to be processed based on the fields entered by the user.
  • Min Time: Display the minimum GPS time value in the point cloud file selected by the user. This value does not require user settings.
  • Max Time: Display the maximum GPS time value in the point cloud file selected by the user. This value does not require user settings.
  • Start Time (default value is "Min Time"): Input the minimum GPS time value of the point cloud data to be extracted.
  • End Time (default value is "Max Time"): Input the maximum GPS time value of the point cloud data to be extracted.
  • Output Path: The path of the output file.

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