Insulator Vectorization

Insulator Vectorization Toolbar is as below, including Hang Insulator, Modify Insulator, Auto Hang Insulator.
Insulator Vectorization Toolbar

Hang Insulator

Vectorize insulator. Click Hang Insulator button and a window will pop up. The operation steps are as below:

Hang Insulator Window
  • Clip Tower: Uncheck by default. If check this function for editing convenience, then the point cloud file will be clipped into several separate files by tower mark and buffer size.
  • Buffer Size (meter, 10 by default): The half length of the XY plane of the cutting bounding box is used to control the size of the cutting area.
  • Current Tower Index: Index of tower being edited.
  • Insulator Length (meter, 3 by default): Insulator length.
  • Translate X (meter, 0.1 by default): Set translation distance along X-axis of the last drawn insulator.
  • Translate Y (meter, 0.1 by default): Set translation distance along Y-axis of the last drawn insulator.
  • Translate Z (meter, 0.1 by default): Set translation distance along Z-axis of the last drawn insulator.
  1. Set tower type and enter tower index corresponding to towers in viewer.
  2. Use length measurement tool to measure the length of insulator and set average length as insulator length.
  3. Left click to pick up hang point(point connecting insulator and power line). For tension tower, insulator is vectorized as point; for straight line tower, insulator is vectorized as line.
  4. Vectorize next insulator, or right click to exit insulator vectorization.

Modify Insulator

Edit position of selected insulator, the operation steps are as below:

Edit Insulator Window
  • Translate X (meter, 0.1 by default): Set translation distance along X-axis of the selected drawn insulator.
  • Translate Y (meter, 0.1 by default): Set translation distance along Y-axis of the selected drawn insulator.
  • Translate Z (meter, 0.1 by default): Set translation distance along Z-axis of the selected drawn insulator.
  1. Click Modify Insulator button, then click and select the insulator to be edited. Set edit parameters in the pop up window.
  2. Click the right mouse button to hide the dialog and continue to modify the next insulator.
  3. After the modification is completed, right-click again to exit the function.

Auto Hang Insulator

To automatically hang insulators, wires and insulators needed to be classified first.


Note: For the distribution network point cloud data with a detected line voltage level of 10kV, only clustering threshold are required, and all insulators are vectorized are points.

Note: please add in corresponding tower file(*.LiTower) before using insulator vectorization tools.

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