Tree Growth Warning Analysis List
Tree growth warning analysis list records the result of tree growth warning analysis, as is shown below. Each row contains the clearance distance and growth year etc.You can zoom to a specific danger tree in 3D viewer by double clicking the row.
- Critical Time (year) (default value is "2"): Set the critical time. When the warning time is less than the critical time, the record will be marked as red. This function is used to quickly view the distribution of danger treetops.
Load Data
Load or renew the detection result list.
Note: Click the header of the detection result table to switch between ascending and descending display by the selected attribute values in the table.
Note: After the detection, view details in the detection result list. Double-click the row of the danger point record to zoom to that point in the 3D scene and display the distance between the danger point and the power line. And judge if the danger point is misclassified due to the error in the classification of the point cloud. If so, user can use Profile Tools to modify the classification result first, then Clear the detection results. Finally redo the detection to correct the error.