Drainage Thread Clearance Analysis


This function is used to calculate and analyze the clearance distances between the drainage threads and the transmission towers, and generate the analysis report. When the clearance distance between the drainage thread and the transmission tower is too small, it will become very dangerous. Before executing this function, user needs to classify the drainage thread and transmission tower in the point cloud. This function can process multiple data simultaneously. Click to add the data to be processed. Click to remove the selected file. Click to clear the data list.


Click Completion Analysis > Drainage Thread.

Drainage Thread Clearance Analysis


  • Drainage Thread Analysis: This option is checked by default. If this option is checked, the software will perform drainage thread clearance analysis. If this option is unchecked, the analysis will not be done.
    • Cluster Threshold(meter)(default value is "2.0"): The maximum distance for the point cloud data clustering. If the distance between two points is less than this value, they will be considered as on the same drainage thread. Thus, user should input a value that the distances between most of the points on the same drainage thread are less than. When the clustering splits the same drainage thread into several ones, user needs to increase this value. When more than one drainage threads are clustered as one, user needs to decrease this value.
    • Standard Distance(meter)(default value is "3.0"): The standard distance from the drainage thread to the transmission tower. It is disqualified if the distance from the drainage thread to the transmission tower is less than this value. The software can record the currently setting and when the user open this function again, the setting will be kept.
    • Shp File: This option is unchecked by default. If this option is checked, the position information of the drainage threads will be extracted from the input shp file. If this option is unchecked, the position information of the drainage thread will be extracted from the point cloud. The software can record the currently setting and when the user open this function again, the setting will be kept.
    • Distance to Tower Body: This option is unchecked by default. If this option is checked, the clearance distance from the drainage thread to the tower body (without the cross arms) will be calculated. If this option is unchecked, the clearance distance from the drainage thread to the tower body (the cross arms included) will be calculated.
  • Generate Report: This option is checked by default. If this option is checked the analysis report will be generated; if the option is unchecked, the analysis report will not be generated.
    • Report Name: The title of the report.
    • Assessor Company: The company which generates the report.
    • Electrical Transmission Bureau/Company: The name of power supply bureau or company.
    • Line Name: Line name.
    • Target Coordinate: The coordinate system used in the report.
    • Report Path: The output path of the report.
  • Threads Num(default value is "4"): Set the number of thread (1 to 32) to run this function. The software can record the currently setting and when the user open this function again, the setting will be kept.

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