Classify By Category And Restatistics
The classify function can be used to convert the target classes to the specified class.The restatistics function can be used to recalculate the mean elevation and standard deviation, intensity mean and standard deviation of the point cloud data. The function interface is shown in the following figure. This function can process multiple data simultaneously. Click to add data to be processed, click to remove selected data, and click to clear the data list.
Click Toolbox > Point cloud Processing > Classify By Category And Restatistics
Parameter Settings
- Function Options
- Classify (checked by default):Convert the target classes to the specified class.
- Restatistics (checked by default):Recalculate the mean elevation and standard deviation, mean intensity and standard deviation of the point cloud data.
- Classification Parameters
- From Class: Target classes to be converted.
- Select All: Once checked, all existing classes will be selected as the target classes.
- To Class: Specified class that target classes will be converted to.
- Num of thread(4 by default):Set the number of running threads of the function, which can support 1-32 threads. The software can record the user's current setting and automatically restore the setting when it is opened again.