1. Import the mine tunnel point cloud into LiDAR360 software
2. Remove noise. In the toolbox on the right - Data Management - Point Cloud Tools - Remove outliers, remove the noise of point cloud data
3. Manual noise removal. Classification - Classification Editor - Profile, after setting the "From Class" and "To Class", use the selection tool to classify points that do not participate in volume calculations as low points, such as shadows inside the mine tunnel
4. Extract by class. Extract the mine tunnel point cloud
5. Calculate the normal vectors after cleaning the point cloud, select Compute Normal Vectors in the LiDAR360 Mine module
6. Click Triangulation Modeling (Possion), set the parameters in the pop-up interface, click Preview, and view the generated OBJ model on the right; then click OK
7. Import the model into the software. Uncheck point cloud data to see the mine tunnel model. After checking that the model is correct internally and externally, you can proceed to the next step
8. In LiDAR360 Tools - Measurement - Volume Measurement on solid model
9. Enter the model file to be calculated and click OK to calculate the mine volume