Forestry Applications

LiDAR, as a high-accuracy detection instrument, can easily acquire measurements needed to produce three-dimensional point cloud models of forests with centimeter-level accuracy. With the recent advancement of LiDAR technologies, collecting forest inventory data has become easier than ever. GVI’s turnkey Applications for forest industries include hardware and software products that make LiDAR data collection, processing, and analysis possible and easy.

Turnkey Solution

Most Efficient Software

Cost-effective Products

Multiple Applications

Business Flowchart

Case Studies

Latvian Forest Scanning Application

Latvian Forest Scanning Application

The Latvian Forest Scanning Application is a project aimed at extracting and classifying every tree with a diameter greater than 15 centimeters along the border between Latvia and Belarus. The project uses the LiBackpack DGC50, which integrates a horizontal and vertical dual laser sensors, a GNSS antenna module, and a panoramic color camera to scan the forest area and obtain point cloud data. The obtained data is then processed using LiFuser-BP and LiDAR360 software to extract seed points, calculate tree parameters, and classify tree species. The article provides details about the project plan···
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Forestry Applications

Forestry Applications

If you are interested in learning more about the applications above, take a few minutes to read the following article, which explains how GreenValley International (GVI) products are applied to meet standard forest inventory and management objectives.Just a few years ago, people were only able to use remote sensing imagery and photogrammetric data products to determine the stocking level of a forested area. Information from these sources is combined within the field measurements collected by hand to answer the questions stated at the beginning of this article. However, now with the recent adva···
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Stock CalculationStock Calculation
Stock CalculationForest stock is one of the important indicators to measure the quantity of forest, which can directly reflect the quantity and quality of forest resources. It has become an urgent need to obtain the information of forest stock accurately.
Biomass CalculationBiomass Calculation
Biomass CalculationBiomass is an important variable to evaluate the carbon sequestration and carbon balance capacity of forest ecosystems. Accurate calculation of forest biomass is important to study the carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystems. In LiDAR360, the biomass parameters we provided include surface biomass (AGB), underground biomass (UGB), stock volume (V), enrichment factor (BCF), root-shoot ratio (RSR).
Spatial 3D Green Quantity CalculationSpatial 3D Green Quantity Calculation
Spatial 3D Green Quantity CalculationSpatial 3D Green Quantity Calculation is an index to evaluate the difference of spatial structure and ecological function of vegetation, which can accurately reflect the change of urban green landscape in alleviating heat island effect, purifying atmosphere, soil and water conservation, biodiversity and so on.
Species IdentificationSpecies Identification
Species IdentificationThe ground-based forestry module of LiDAR360 includes the tree species identification function, which supports the matching of single tree point cloud data, panoramic images and corresponding seed point data. Combined with manual recognition, tree species identification can be achieved through attribute table recording.
Carbon Reserves CalculationCarbon Reserves Calculation
Carbon Reserves CalculationVegetation carbon storage is an important parameter to reflect its carbon sink capacity, and its dynamic change is a key index to measure the carbon sink capacity of vegetation.

Which one is right for you?

LiAir X3-H
LiGrip H300
LiBackpack DGC50H

Why do you need our Applications for Forestry

Efficient Pre-processing ModuleEfficient Pre-processing Module
Efficient Pre-processing ModuleLiDAR360 MLS has nearly 100 point cloud processing and editing tools. It supports point cloud and camera images of mainstream mobile mapping systems on the market for processing and mapping. Combination display of multiple attributes, with additional attributes, to meet more application requirements.
Accurate Ground Point ClassificationAccurate Ground Point Classification
Accurate Ground Point ClassificationIn LiDAR360, we support a variety of terrain scene calculation models, and automatically adjusts parameters according to the models to ensure that the ground point classification can obtain ideal results.
Smart Tree SegmentationSmart Tree Segmentation
Smart Tree SegmentationThrough this function, each tree can be separated from the forest point cloud and the property table can be formed. LIDAR360 built-in world-leading algorithm, help you to improve the accuracy of Tree segmentation effectively.
Rich Parameter ExtractionRich Parameter Extraction
Rich Parameter ExtractionWith LiDAR360, we can extract the location, height, DBH, crown diameter, north-south crown diameter, east-west crown diameter, crown area, crown volume, height under branches, trunk volume and other attributes of each tree in the forest. At the same time, we can obtain the elevation, slope, slope direction and other attributes of a single tree through Software.

GreenValley International Inc (GVI), headquartered in Berkeley, California, is a leading innovator of 3D mapping technologies. GVI provides a wide range of advanced aerial, terrestrial, and mobile LiDAR survey and mapping hardware systems and cutting-edge software as well as turnkey solutions. Our portfolio includes airborne, handheld, mobile, and backpack laser scanning platforms, as well as point cloud processing software such as the LiDAR360 LiDAR data processing platform. GVI focuses on LiDAR and image fusion technology, specializing in LiDAR, UAV, SLAM, Photogrammetry, and other technologies to achieve an accurate digital representation of three-dimensional space. As we continue to expand our reach and technological capabilities, GVI remains committed to driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the LiDAR space.

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